Always a joy to see
Chicken Soup for the Soul's books come together.
Touched by an Angel shares some amazing grace-filled stories, one of which I, too, vividly remember and share in "Night Fall". To read the opening paragraph for "Night Fall," click on the title above.
The most amazing aspect of being touched by a saint is not that you’ve met him but that in him, you’ve met God. -Kathleen Swartz McQuaig
The assembly room of our military chapel on Caserma Ederle in Vicenza teemed with people. Several women wearing cheerleader-smiles approached me. “Kathy, want to go with us to a conference in Rome…?”
Most people would have jumped at the chance. Here we were stationed in northern Italy, less than a day’s journey from Rome, and I had never been there. Still, with two little ones and my husband commanding an airborne unit, our days were already busy. At that point in my life, I relegated religion to a few hours a week—meal and bedtime prayers with kids, and then church on Sundays.
No, I wasn’t ready for Rome! ...
(Click on the title to read more.)
The Tree The maple sapling with burlap-covered root ball sat atop the grass in our front yard while Daddy repeatedly plunged a spade into the soil and heaved the dirt to one side. “Please, Daddy, I wanna help!” I couldn’t even lift the almost-as-tall-as-me shovel. Glancing long at my high ponytail, zip-up hoodie and sneakers, Daddy cracked a smile—then more sternly asked, “You’ll do a good job?” Vigorously I shook my head...