While the haven of Kathy's Tree holds my heart, the ocean surf serenades my soul.
I need that reset. For as long as I can remember, the middle child in me wanted everyone I loved, to love each other. Their conflicts churned in the pit of my stomach. Hard as I tried, I didn’t understand why I couldn’t make everything better. But, some hurts can only be healed in God’s timing and in His hands.
So, I'm trying to focus on “the sand in my own sandbox”.
I love those rare occasions when the early-morning beach, complete with ocean-song, becomes my sandbox for processing life's ups and downs.(For me that setting makes working through anything seem easier.)
I cherish those moments.
Somewhere between the sound of the surf and memories of that haven in Kathy's Tree, my heart and soul intrinsically find peace.
—So the real bio reads,
Kathleen Swartz McQuaig (that’s me) shares stories from the heart shaped by her deep faith. As a writer, speaker, teacher, wife and mother, she lives to encourage others. After living in military communities stateside and abroad, Kathleen and her family settled in south central PA. (—where she dreams about the ocean resetting her soul)